How to Draw for Children and Young Adult: Manga Art 3


Get a pencil and paper to start drawing. You can learn how to draw Manga Art 3 with these easy to learn illustrations. Anyone can learn from this book, from ages 8 to 108. It’s all about just putting together circles, squares and lines.

SKU: 887627-24-5 Categories: ,

ISBN:  978-1-887627-24-5
Paperback, 8.5” x 11”
64 pages Price: $13.99
Publication Date   09/18/2023
Available for Pre-Order

All you need is a pencil and paper to start drawing. You can learn how to draw Manga Art 3 with these simple step-by-step illustrations.  Anyone can learn from this book, from ages 8 to 108. It’s all about just putting together circles, squares and lines.

There are no words to this song, you just sing and dance alone. In other words, this book is so simple that the illustrations alone will guide you through everything. No words are needed to explain. As the saying goes “A picture is worth a thousand words. “

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 in
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